Japanese Maple 'Deshojo'
The tree you see is the tree you get. A nice Deshojo from a big batch that have just arrived. This tree stands 52cm high including the pot and is 30cm wide. The pot measures 25x20x8cm
Ready for shipping within 2 working days.
Species Guide Courtesy Of Harry Harrington
cultivation notes
Position Out of direct sunlight and strong winds throughout the year to
protect leaves against sun and wind scorch. However good light
in spring and autumn aides vigour and leaf-colour.
In winter, protect against frosts below -10°C.
Watering Acer palmatum are very thirsty prior to new flushes
of growth in Spring and Summer and will need additional water.
Feeding Feed weekly with high nitrogen fertiliser as soon
as leafbuds open in spring to encourage strong growth and to strengthen
leaves against sun and wind scorch. Withdrawing some early fertilising
produces very short internodes and finer growth required on 'finished'
or developed trees.
hardening off, feed fortnightly with a balanced feed.
Repotting Every 1 or 2 years as buds extend in Spring until
the tree is over 10yrs, then as necessary in a basic soil mix.
Pruning Unless extension is required to form new areas
of foliage or branches, cut new growth back to one or two pairs
of leaves following bursts of growth through the growing season.
For trees that require short internodes, buds can be pinched out
leaving 2 new opposing leaves as soon as they are visible, this
will produce fine, twiggy growth with short internodes and also
promote back-budding. Remove all growth with long internodes.
can be carried out in mid-summer, this results in smaller leaves,
better ramification and stronger autumn leaf colour. However,
defoliation should only be carried out on healthy trees, never
in the same year as repotting, never 2 years running and never
on weaker red-leaved varieties.
and formative pruning should be carried out in Autumn after leaf-fall
(preferably within 1 week) or during the mid-summer semi-dormant
period when wounds can heal very quickly. Never prune during Spring
as all Acer species have a habit of bleeding profusely which can
severely weaken the plant or even result in the loss of branches.
Ensure all wounds are sealed.
trees that are displayed for their bare winter silhouettes, summer
pruning might be considered.
Wiring Wiring can be carried out at any time from early-spring
to late-autumn though each period carries its own advantages and
disadvantages. Optimally, wiring should be carried out on bare
branches before bud extension in Spring, after leaf-cutting in
mid-summer or after leaf-fall in autumn. At these points in the
year the branch structure is not obscured by foliage and there
is enough sap remaining in the branches to keep them supple.
wiring should be carried out with care as the new buds can dislodge
very easily and wire can quickly start to mark the bark after
the rapid growth of spring. Trees wired after leaf-fall in autumn
should be protected against heavy frosts as branches will not
heal properly until the Spring growth period. During the winter,
branches become exceptionally brittle and can snap without warning,
only very gentle wiring should be attempted.
Propagation Sow seed as soon as ripe. Air -layers are the
principal source of propagation and should be carried out as soon
as spring growth hardens off in May. Cuttings strike easily but
can have a high failure rate and can take 2 or 3 seasons to grow
Pests and diseases Aphids, scale insects, caterpillars, viruses and fungal diseases such as Verticillum wilt.
weakened by lack of fertilising, poor root systems, repotting,
under or overwatering, lack of dormancy are more likely to suffer
burnt leaves.
Styles All forms except literati in small to extra-large
information Some varieties of Acer Palmatum have variations
in growing area dominance. Shrubby varieties such as Kiyohime
are basally dominant and unless care is taken when pruning can
have very sparse apexes.
for very hot climates is questionable, in extreme summer temperatures
there can be an endless struggle to keep the leaves in good condition
or even intact on the tree. Acer Palmatum also require a dormant
period (winter temperatures of less than 10°C for at least 44
days). Trees can survive a few seasons without a dormant period
but lose their vigour and this can lead to their eventual demise.
palmatum are very suitable for thread and approach grafting of
new branches and new roots.
Avoid grafted
nursery trees often seen for sale in UK garden centres (one Acer
palmatum variety grated on top of a more vigorous understock trunk).
Only purchase grafted nursery trees grafted specifically for bonsai
with a very neat graft low down on the trunk.