Bonsai Nibblers
Bonsai Nibblers are miniature tools used for carving and shaping wood. They are specifically designed for use on small and medium sized bonsai but can also be used for any kind of general wood carving.
The Nibblers have been designed and are manufactured by Chris Guise in a modern, state-of-the-art CNC manufacturing workshop.
The bonsai Nibblers came about because Chris wanted to see if it was possible to make a small diameter carving tool that had replaceable cutting tips. Most small (under 16mm) rotary carving tools are a one piece construction, which has its advantages but also its disadvantages. If you chip or damage one of the cutting edges on a solid tool you have to throw away the whole tool. If you blunt, chip or damage a Nibbler cutting edge you simply turn it to a new edge.
Each Nibbler has three cutting tips, which gives a very smooth cut.
Chris has been working in Mechanical Engineering since 1992 and been active in bonsai since 1998.